Ultimate Woman’s health check
A complete health profile tailored to female specific needs.

Cholesterol Levels
Lipid profile. Establish your ratio of good vs. bad cholesterol to better understand your risk of cardiovascular disease
Cholesterol Levels
Lipid profile. Establish your ratio of good vs. bad cholesterol to better understand your risk of cardiovascular disease
Cholesterol Levels
Lipid profile. Establish your ratio of good vs. bad cholesterol to better understand your risk of cardiovascular disease
Liver Function Tests
Measures enzymes and proteins produced by your liver to gain an overall view of your health
Liver Function Tests
Measures enzymes and proteins produced by your liver to gain an overall view of your health
Liver Function Tests
Measures enzymes and proteins produced by your liver to gain an overall view of your health
Diabetes Blood Test
HbA1C is a key marker used to diagnose and monitor diabetes
Diabetes Blood Test
HbA1C is a key marker used to diagnose and monitor diabetes
Diabetes Blood Test
HbA1C is a key marker used to diagnose and monitor diabetes
Full Blood Count & Ferritin
Checks the types and numbers of cells in your blood, including red cell, white cells and platelets. An in-depth breakdown of your iron status.
Full Blood Count & Ferritin
Checks the types and numbers of cells in your blood, including red cell, white cells and platelets. An in-depth breakdown of your iron status.
Full Blood Count & Ferritin
Checks the types and numbers of cells in your blood, including red cell, white cells and platelets. An in-depth breakdown of your iron status.
Kidney Function & Electrolyte Levels
Checks for electrolytes in the blood, such as sodium and potassium and for renal function
Kidney Function & Electrolyte Levels
Checks for electrolytes in the blood, such as sodium and potassium and for renal function
Kidney Function & Electrolyte Levels
Checks for electrolytes in the blood, such as sodium and potassium and for renal function
Vitamin D Levels
Check your blood for low or high levels of Vitamin D
Vitamin D Levels
Check your blood for low or high levels of Vitamin D
Vitamin D Levels
Check your blood for low or high levels of Vitamin D
Thyroid Function
Tests to check how the thyroid is working and identify thyroid disorders
Thyroid Function
Tests to check how the thyroid is working and identify thyroid disorders
Thyroid Function
Tests to check how the thyroid is working and identify thyroid disorders
We check key hormones, including Estrogen levels
We check key hormones, including Estrogen levels
We check key hormones, including Estrogen levels

Why would I need one?
Why would I need one?
Full Blood Count: The full blood count test concentrates on the three types of blood cells: white blood cells (WBCs), red blood cells (RBCs) and platelets. By measuring the volume of blood cells, the test allows a doctor to evaluate an individual’s overall health, as well as check for underlying conditions such as leukaemia and anaemia.
Full Blood Count: The full blood count test concentrates on the three types of blood cells: white blood cells (WBCs), red blood cells (RBCs) and platelets. By measuring the volume of blood cells, the test allows a doctor to evaluate an individual’s overall health, as well as check for underlying conditions such as leukaemia and anaemia.
Assesses cholesterol, blood sugar (HbA1c, glucose), and insulin resistance to evaluate your risk for diabetes, heart disease, and metabolic conditions.
Assesses cholesterol, blood sugar (HbA1c, glucose), and insulin resistance to evaluate your risk for diabetes, heart disease, and metabolic conditions.
Measures essential vitamins and minerals like iron, vitamin D, B12, folate, and magnesium to detect deficiencies affecting energy, immune health, and bone strength.
Measures essential vitamins and minerals like iron, vitamin D, B12, folate, and magnesium to detect deficiencies affecting energy, immune health, and bone strength.
Checks levels of estrogen and thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, T4, etc.) to detect imbalances that can cause fatigue, weight gain, irregular periods, or mood swings.
Checks levels of estrogen and thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, T4, etc.) to detect imbalances that can cause fatigue, weight gain, irregular periods, or mood swings.
How we take the test
How we take the test
We collect a small blood sample, usually from a vein in your arm, using a quick and simple process performed by a trained professional.
We collect a small blood sample, usually from a vein in your arm, using a quick and simple process performed by a trained professional.
Getting your results
Your sample is analyzed using advanced technology for accuracy.
Receive Results
Review and Understand
Getting your results
Your sample is analyzed using advanced technology for accuracy.
Receive Results
Review and Understand
Getting your results
Your sample is analyzed using advanced technology for accuracy.
Receive Results
Review and Understand
Understanding your results
Understanding your results
We've partnered with Doxtor.health Ai to help you review and understand your results in easy to read graphs and analysis.
We've partnered with Doxtor.health Ai to help you review and understand your results in easy to read graphs and analysis.
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Biomarkers we test for.
Biomarkers we test for.
Biomarkers in blood tests are measurable indicators that provide insights into your overall health, organ function, and potential signs of disease.
Biomarkers in blood tests are measurable indicators that provide insights into your overall health, organ function, and potential signs of disease.
Active Vitamin B12 (AB12)
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
Total Cholesterol (CHOL)
Cholesterol to High
Density Lipoprotein Ratio (CHHD)
Creatinine (CREA)
Ferritin (FERR)
Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (EGFR)
Hematocrit (HCT)
+28 more
Active Vitamin B12 (AB12)
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
Total Cholesterol (CHOL)
Cholesterol to High
Density Lipoprotein Ratio (CHHD)
+32 more
Active Vitamin B12 (AB12)
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)
+36 more
FAQ - Key Biomarkers & Health Insights
What is a full blood count?
What is a full blood count?
What is a full blood count?
What is a full blood count?
Iron Profile
Iron Profile
Iron Profile
Iron Profile
Diabetes Blood Test
Diabetes Blood Test
Diabetes Blood Test
Diabetes Blood Test
Vitamin D
Vitamin D
Vitamin D
Vitamin D
Liver Function Test
Liver Function Test
Liver Function Test
Liver Function Test
Kidney Function Test
Kidney Function Test
Kidney Function Test
Kidney Function Test
Thyroid Function Test
Thyroid Function Test
Thyroid Function Test
Thyroid Function Test
What is a Ultimate Woman's Blood Test Blood Test?
What is a Ultimate Woman's Blood Test Blood Test?
What is a Ultimate Woman's Blood Test Blood Test?
What is a Ultimate Woman's Blood Test Blood Test?
Who should consider getting a Ultimate Woman's Blood Test Blood Test?
Who should consider getting a Ultimate Woman's Blood Test Blood Test?
Who should consider getting a Ultimate Woman's Blood Test Blood Test?
Who should consider getting a Ultimate Woman's Blood Test Blood Test?
What does the test screen for?
What does the test screen for?
What does the test screen for?
What does the test screen for?
How do I prepare for a Ultimate Woman's Blood Test Blood Test?
How do I prepare for a Ultimate Woman's Blood Test Blood Test?
How do I prepare for a Ultimate Woman's Blood Test Blood Test?
How do I prepare for a Ultimate Woman's Blood Test Blood Test?
What is the process of getting the test done?
What is the process of getting the test done?
What is the process of getting the test done?
What is the process of getting the test done?
How soon will I receive my results?
How soon will I receive my results?
How soon will I receive my results?
How soon will I receive my results?
Are there any risks or side effects?
Are there any risks or side effects?
Are there any risks or side effects?
Are there any risks or side effects?
How often should I have a Ultimate Woman's Blood Test Blood Test?
How often should I have a Ultimate Woman's Blood Test Blood Test?
How often should I have a Ultimate Woman's Blood Test Blood Test?
How often should I have a Ultimate Woman's Blood Test Blood Test?
What should I do if my results are abnormal?
What should I do if my results are abnormal?
What should I do if my results are abnormal?
What should I do if my results are abnormal?

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Vitalscan Ltd.
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